RobAgri’s interventions at SIA 2023

Even without having a stand, RobAgri was very well represented at the International Agricultural Show (SIA) 2023.

RobAgri’s interventions at SIA 2023


On March 5, 2023, the International Agricultural Show  closed its doors. We told you, this year RobAgri didn’t have a stand.

However, we still wanted to be there! Indeed, throughout the event, Christophe Aubé (president of the association) made various interventions.

In particular, during an exchange on TV Agri, with the Junia engineering school and our member Osiris Agriculture, represented by Henri Desesquelles (founder of Osiris). On this set, they talked about the place of digital and new technologies in agricultural training. To view or review this exchange click here.

The second highlight of RobAgri’s presence at SIA 2023 was during the meeting with Marc Fesneau (Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty), Jean-François Loiseau (president of the Axéréal grain cooperative) and Emmanuel Bernard (president of the cattle section of Interbev). They united around the issue of the decarbonization of agriculture. To learn more about this meeting click here.


“L’agriculture est parfois émettrice de carbone, mais elle est aussi la seule activité qui soit capable de stocker du carbone» – Agriculture is sometimes a carbon emitter, but it is also the only activity capable of storing carbon – by Marc FESNEAU.

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